

這是自收到裔錦聲博士(Dr Jeannie Yi)發來的關於電影Sight的信息後,近日深入研品後的心得,特別鳴謝Jeannie對一部偉大作品的慧眼識珠以及背後的情懷推動。

                                       ——作者:子非魚(投資人 學者 慈善家)

2024年5月24日,講述國際知名眼科醫生王明旭博士奮鬥故事的傳記電影《明》 (Sight)將在全美公映。該片以中國科技大學77級校友王明旭醫生的自傳《從黑暗到光明》(From Darkness to Sight)為原型,是好萊塢第一部關於中國留學生的勵志電影,榮獲國際基督徒(ICVM)電影節頭獎-Gold Award-Best Picture.

公映當日,一場由電視劇《緬街》團隊發起的友情觀影會將在時代廣場AMC EMPIRE 25 舉辦,來自不同文化背景的百名紐約網紅(西班牙、墨西哥、非洲、地中海、加拿大、愛爾蘭等), 將在裔錦聲博士包場的四場電影放映廳,參與現場直播,用他們自己的個人流量,向他們的族裔講述這部帶有中國元素的好萊塢電影——這個移民故事也是他們的故事。






2023年5月 紐約法拉盛/曼哈頓電影Sight首次巡播




編輯: 國際青年藝術家聯盟 IYAA – International Yang Artists Association

“Sight” — A Monumental Narrative of the Chinese Experience

“Sight,” with its earnest and poignant storytelling, has not only won the hearts of its audience but also garnered significant acclaim on the global stage, marking a notable breakthrough for Chinese representation in world cinema. Inspired by the real-life journey of Dr. Wang Mingxu, the film poignantly depicts the odyssey of a Chinese student persevering to maintain his identity, pursue his dreams, and achieve remarkable success in a foreign land. More than just a narrative of personal endeavor, this film acts as a reflective mirror, capturing the shared experiences and emotional odysseys of many Chinese living abroad.

Firstly, credit must be given to Dr. Yi Jinsheng, whose discerning recognition brought “Sight” to the forefront in New York and spearheaded its subsequent national tour across the United States. Dr. Yi has not only served as a conduit for introducing “Sight” to mainstream American audiences but has also been instrumental in its widespread promotion, ensuring that the film reached a diverse and extensive viewership. His foresight and commitment have been invaluable in advancing the international presence of Chinese cinema.

The national tour of “Sight” represents an unprecedented initiative—not merely as a film screening, but as an act of cultural dissemination and exchange. Throughout the tour, approximately 30,000 individuals were drawn to experience the film’s allure firsthand. From arranging venues to the enthusiastic support of volunteers and audiences who traveled hours to attend a screening, every facet of the tour underscored the community’s unity and support. Notably, the film fostered deeper connections among families and enabled young individuals to achieve their academic dreams with Dr. Wang’s guidance, thereby enriching the film’s narrative with profound community impact.

Furthermore, the tour expanded beyond the United States to major Canadian cities such as Vancouver and Toronto, further amplifying the film.
